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What Are the Challenges In Learning a New Language

Many language learners struggle to achieve fluency. Perhaps because all information is too easy to obtain, the technologies have made us expect that we should somehow be able to "hack" anything and become fluent in a new language in a short time. Unfortunately, our brain is not just a digital device and there is no simple button to press for becoming fluent in a new language.


There are two main challenges in learning a new language:


1. We need to use a new word or phrase 100 to 150 times to embed it into our long term memory. The need for repetition is a way for our brain to prioritize the importance of an item of information. An item that is repeatedly used tells our brain that this item is very important. Language learners and teachers are frustrated when a student can't remember recently covered vocabulary. But you shouldn't forget about language learning apps like Encore!!! The choice of “repetitions” in Encore!!! is especially designed to allow one to hear and speak a word or phrase dozens of times till it becomes “usable”. 


2. The rules of the new language are almost never the same as the rules we use in our known language. The process of learning new rules allows you to really think differently in all other aspects of life. When we are learning grammar rules of the new language, our brain rebels and questions why, why? Maybe we accept the need to learn new words, but we are not prepared to accept that the way the words change their form can be so different from our known language.


Source article - https://gurmentor.com/what-are-the-challenges-in-learning-a-new-language/.

Source: http://gurmentor.com/what-are-the-challenges-in-learning-a-new-language